It sounds so futuristic, doesn't it? It could be a movie title with flying cars and the world ending, it's that so crazy?!
Normally when the New Year starts, I feel generally the same as I did the day before, only more tired from the late night, but this year I feel completely different already.
This is unusual for me. This past year, with all that has gone on with working on my businesses, and life in general, I've been run down and sleepy a lot of the time. But now I am absolutely refreshed and ready to go!! I have made a few resolutions:
1. Be a POSITIVE person! It is so so easy to slide into negativity. For me at least, I have to make a conscious choice to look on the bright side, and to reserve judgment. It's in my nature to be skeptical and play the devil's advocate, so this year, I am going to work on holding back critique of other and try to seek out the good in everyone and every situation.
2. Get FIT! Shocker, this is on my list every year, isn't it?!
3. Meet & exceed my BUSINESS goals: Some of these are financial, some are more intangible, but this year, my business is super important to me and I'm going to make some changes to ensure that my photography and my business itself are constantly growing and getting better!
4. Do a nice thing every day. It doesn't have to be a big thing, but this year I'd like to try do to something good for someone every day.
I have a feeling that 2010 is going to blow 2009 out of the water. I've decided to make that happen in my life!
What are your resolutions? What are you focusing on this year? I would like to add a #5 to my list if anyone has suggestions!!
1 comment:
Hey meid,
Als dat geen goede voornemens zijn!! :-) Ik hoop voor u dat ze allemaal uitkomen!
Ik hoop eigenlijk alleen maar dat alles ongeveer blijft zoals het nu is. Mijn leven gaat goed nu. Het enige wat ik mezelf mss wens voor 2010, is mijn beste vriendin nog eens zien. ;-) Hopelijk komt het er eens van. (ma begrijp wel dat het nie makkelijk is voor u om zomaar eens te komen)
Veel liefs,
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